Laila Salata
Junior Tyler Wolfe closing out the boys 4X800 relay.
With the completion of the last track meet of the indoor track season on March 18, the outdoor season is now underway. The sequoit track and field team has spent all indoor season planning in preparation to have the 2023 season of their dreams.
Track and field is a mentally heavy sport; mental toughness and determination are vital for progression and success. Indoor season is a useful tool for athletes to gauge where they are and how they can improve for outdoor season. There are countless ways one can mentally prepare themselves for outdoor season. Sophomore Angela Ortiz believes mentality plays one of the biggest roles in track.
“Mentally, I have been focusing on myself, telling myself that it takes time and you will not always PR at every meet,” Ortiz said. “You just have to trust the process.”
Aside from the mental factor, the physical aspect of preparing during indoor season builds confidence and strength. Indoor season is usually when coaches can test out new drills and implement harder workouts, so they know what to expect during outdoor season. While the workouts are beneficial, recovery is just as important during the indoor season. Junior Nora Lubkeman has been exploring different modes of recovery and has found many to be helpful.
“I started doing yoga,” Lubkeman said. “It has been very useful because whether doing it before or after a workout, I can easily prevent injury and be confident in my physical abilities.”
Many track athletes find reasons to loathe indoor track as they feel indoor season in its entirety is just unnecessary. However, these athletes refuse to see the benefits that come with indoor season. Being able to compete early in the indoor season allows athletes to get extra preparation for the beloved outdoor season. According to Benefits of Indoor Track & Field, renowned track and field coach Dwayne Waite Jr. provides insight on why indoor track season matters. Waite Jr. stresses the importance of “practice makes perfect”. Indoor season gives these athletes a reason to practice. Within his own athletes, Waite Jr. sees the difference between those who have done indoor, and those who have not, he explains how indoor season is crucial in order to correct possible bad habits.
During the indoor season, the sequoits have already started to show growth and hints of success. With the preparedness and track experience, the sequoits are no doubt setting themselves up to be champions. Be sure to catch their first outdoor home meet of the season against Grant Community High School on April 10, to see their hard work paying off.