Ashley Mosquera
Cheerleading takes 17th at state.
Unfortunately, everything must come to an end. Although the cheer team was unable to move to day two, the girls are ready to move on.
After a long day of bright lights and a roaring crowd, the team walked away with 17th place. The Sequoits well preformed routine was not enough to move them on to day two.
“State was amazing. I felt like we did great, but we only got 17th, we’ll get them next time,” Junior Ashley Mosquera said. “Even though we couldn’t move on, we still had a ton of fun just being there.”
The girls were forced to go home a little sooner than planned. However, as a team the ladies look forward to coming back next year stronger than ever. They will accomplish their goals with hard work and pure dedication. The girls will always have each others backs and will be there to push one another to the end. Together the team will move on.
“We are planing to work ten times harder than we did this year, we will condition more, have dedication, and believe in ourselves along with each other. Also, for next season we must have no fear in accomplishing new skills,” said Mosquera.
Sadly, this year the team will lose three graduating seniors and will have to replace their astonishing leadership and talent.
“I will definitely miss our seniors, they showed us true leadership and dedication towards the team and I can only wish to do the same next year for our underclassmen,”said Mosquera.
This years performance will forever live in the hearts of the team but the past truly belongs in the past. It is time to move on and look forward to another successful season.