Bubble Tea: Why Are People So Obsessed?
Bubble tea sparks new addiction in American culture.

Holding a unique aspect on beverages, the up and coming Bubble Tea smoothies are enchanting costumers all around the world.
The experience of sipping and chewing is an adventure in itself; the Taiwanese drink is definitely nothing short of fun and totally worth the hype. From purple oreo to lychee to fresh fruits, this new obsession can range in multitudinous flavors that have become go-to items for relatable Instagrammers and food adventurers.
Bubble tea is a different experience for all, and for many it’s the beverage that keeps them going. Not to mention the sick pictures that can be snapped for social media, the sensation is a mix between weird and delicious.
“It was really exciting,” junior Natalie Madigan said. “The first time I tried [bubble tea] was with friends and none of us have ever had it before.”
Here are a few facts to know Before daring to try this new, exotic drink.
Fact #1: A machine seals the top of the cup with plastic cellophane, which allows the tea to be vigorously shaken in the serving cup and makes it spill-free until you’re ready to drink it (eatthis.com).
This unique drink is served hot or cold with the signature boba, more commonly known as giant tapioca pearls. The tapioca balls are made of sweet potato and cassava root, with brown sugar added for the special brown color. Instead of the dime sized balls, the other interesting options are jelly, pudding or bean. This hipster beverage can be served to your liking, always with the gooey boba to surprise you.
Fact #2: Bubble tea doesn’t refer to the bubbles or tapioca pearls, but to the bubbles that form while prepared. The process involves shaking the tea, thus producing bubbles (TravelShopGirl.com).
If the idea scares you, don’t worry! There are options for tea aficionados and those who appreciate the simpler things in life such as smoothies or coffees.
“I don’t drink coffee anymore,” junior Rachel Moore said. “I love tea in general and [bubble tea] puts a new twist on it.”
The milk tea and fruit blends are bound to enter Antioch soon. To enjoy this new obsession, visit Chill Bubble Tea in Vernon Hills to get a taste of the crave.
Check out this video on how to make Bubble Tea

Carole • Feb 24, 2017 at 9:51 am
I’ll have to try that!