Boys Cross Country Almost Takes it Home
Cross country beats Round Lake but falls to Lakes by just one point.
The boys cross country team lost to Lakes by one point in a very close meet, but they still pulled through by beating Round Lake Tuesday, September 13. All of the boys ran well. They are getting prepared for the meets ahead of them every day whether it is at a meet or at practice. They may have been having a very tough season so far, but are ready to turn it around soon.
“I think we could have beat Lakes but we lost by one point, but I think that we did pretty well and all of our runners tried as hard as they can,” said freshman Matthew Lawrence.
Hopefully, the boys will be able to pull through and work as a team to try and get a win. The boys as well as their coaches are getting excited and ready to see what they can bring for the rest of the season. With freshman Charlie Smith being one of the top outstanding runners, he still tries to set a PR every race.
“Even though the juniors and seniors are taller than I am, I know that I can still beat them,” said Smith.
The boy cross country team is still trying their hardest to receive their first win of the season and will not give up until they do so. The coaches as well as the team captains are always trying to motivate the boys into trying harder and being the very best that they can be.