Bouncy Houses Excite Students
The annual Summer In Winter Week has taken shape with positive vibes and school spirit running through the halls of ACHS.

On Tuesday, Feb. 14, ACHS’ Summer in Winter activity allowed students to take part in cart racing and bouncy house boxing.
While this week of celebration boasts a wide variety of activities, Tuesday’s special Summer In Winter Week activity included bouncy houses and go carting. These inflatable sets were brought into the school gym for students to enjoy during their free periods including lunch and study hall. Filled with much anticipation, a large line of students waited to participate in the bouncy house activities housed inside the auxiliary gym.
The two stations set up for students to enjoy included a short racing course and an inflatable boxing ring, which was the favorite among most Sequoits.
“The bouncy house was a lot of fun,” junior George Salinas said after boxing with his friend.
The activities so far have been a huge hit, allowing students to escape the long school day for a moment and enjoy themselves in an active match.
“It has been very fun and I’m looking forward to the pep rally,” freshman Avery Frasch said.
The week has only just begun and there are many more events to look forward too. Don’t miss out on the upcoming activities during and outside of school to welcome summer a little early this year in Summer in Winter Week.