REVIEW: Heaven is for Real
In a both heart wrenching and heart warming story of a child’s journey to heaven, author Pastor Todd Burpo summarizes the trials and successes of his family’s life.
Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent
“Heaven is for Real: A little boy’s astounding story of his trip to heaven and back” by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent will take any reader, whether religous or not, on a mind boggling journey as seen through a loving, caring and selfless father’s eyes. “Heaven is for Real” is a true story that follows the life of four-year-old Colton Burpo, Todd and Sonja Burpo’s son.
Living in a small town in Nebraska, the Burpos faced many hardships in the early 2000’s including a broken leg, kidney stones, a cancer scare, and financial troubles. But none of these challenges compared to Colton’s 17-day hospital stay after being diagnosed with a ruptured appendix. After two surgeries and constant prayer, Colton somehow bounced back quickly from being on the verge of death. Colton’s family and friends, and even nurses, were amazed by Colton’s quickly returning health and claimed it was a miracle.
Through the years following Colton’s recovery, Colton began to give insight to his parents about what really happened during his first surgery when he was so close to dying. Colton claimed that he went to heaven and met the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as well as a few other very important people. As a four-year-old Colton had very little knowledge about prophecies and the bible, yet each time he explained his experiences in heaven, Pastor Todd could relate Colton’s stories to exact biblical stories. After many months of probing Colton with open-minded questions, the pieces began to fall together: Colton really had gone to heaven.
Over the spans of a few years, the Burpo’s finally got the courage to share their story during a service. Colton’s story amazed many and gave a piece of mind to others. Now as a book, even more are able to know Colton’s story. Readers are taken on a amazing journey that shows how hope and prayer can change someone’s life. Heaven is for Real gives hope to those afraid of death and gives answers to those questioning the Bible. Take a chance on this religous trip through the life of a Pastor family and their advenurous son, Colton Burpo. “Heaven is for Real” is not just convincing but also capable of changing people’s thoughts and opinions on what happens to them when they die, if religion is important, and, most importantly, if heaven is for real.