Binge Watching on Netflix
With students having easy access with a click of a button, Netflix is the staple of binge watching for teenagers.
Netflix, an internet based, on demand service, is famous for some of its addicting television shows. As of today, Netflix has more than 37 original television series and is predicted to release more content in the future. Binge watching, is the practice of watching a television series with multiple seasons in a short amount of time. Some of Netflix’s most binge watched TV shows include “The Office,” “House of Cards,” “Stranger Things,” “Riverdale” and “Orange is the New Black.”
Students of ACHS are always on the latest trends, making sure to keep up with the latest shows. Viewers of a televsion series often become hooked.
“It is the drama in it that really keeps me coming back,” said senior Jordan DeLara. “[However] don’t start it. It is an endless void of sadness and depression that will suck your life away.”
DeLara binge watched the TV show “Friends.” The TV series consist of ten seasons, with 23 episodes pertaining to each season. DeLara finished all ten seasons within one month.
Netflix isn’t like any other internet platform. Unlike its competition Hulu, Netflix allows its audience to binge watch TV shows with no ads or interruptions. You can take Netflix anywhere, all you need is a mobile device. With easy access, students are found all over the school during passing periods and lunch hours binge watching TV series. With only a couple taps on an iPhone, you’re on your way finishing up those last few episodes of your favorite TV show.