Photo courtesy of Madison Paddock
It’s easy to stick a label on someone, to pin them down to just one word. A nerd, a prude, a football player, a pothead. These stereotypes and labels become so relevant in high school that people begin to apply them to themselves. You are what you are labeled. But the real question is, are you proud of what you are?
In a recent survey, 90 percent of Antioch Community High School students said that they are proud of their reputation. Although high school labels are accuse these students of being immature and cliche, it is extremely important to remember that your actions define who you are and how others view and respect you.
Junior Andi Leineberg said, “I think that labels and reputations in high school definitely matter because you should carry yourself in the same way you would want people to see you.”
Define your own label. Whatever it is that you choose to be, make it something that you are proud of, because that is what will earn you respect from those around you.