From switching back and forth between remote learning and being in school, some students have experienced change. Due to the constant back and forth some Antioch Community High School students are feeling the pressure of if they are prepared for their next year.
Some ACHS students struggled resulting from transitioning from being fully virtual to in-person learning; some incoming high school students were unaware of their surroundings; freshman Brooke Devience had this problem when she entered the building. However, Devience also had a different perspective of online learning.
“One thing that could have helped prepare me more would be a tour around the school and what all the teachers expect from us,” Devience said. “I think e-learning affected me in a positive way because I got to see what ways of learning helped and which ways didn’t help.”
Some students had a different experience with e-learning. Academically, it has affected students and some feel unprepared for their next year of high school. Junior Andy Tindell feels unsure of how he will do his senior year.
“I think that I will be behind academically next year because I haven’t really retained any information from my classes this year, and I don’t know what to do with the information I have retained,” Tindell said. “When I was doing e-learning it impacted me negatively.”
Some students are feeling academically prepared but emotionally unprepared for the next year. Sophomore Addison Gjelsten is experiencing this feeling towards the upcoming year.
“I think I am prepared for next year because I understood the basics of each class and tried my best to comprehend the material behind a screen,” Gjelsten said. “I did not feel as connected to school as I usually do; I was less productive, felt uncomfortable to ask questions over Google Meets and I feel like it might be hard to transition to going back to school everyday.”
ACHS students have been affected differently by this year, both positively and negatively. Some feel unprepared academically, while others do not feel mentally prepared. Next year, it is a hope that students will be in-person full time and ACHS can start preparing for what comes next.