APP OF THE WEEK: SimCity BuildIt
Build your own city from the ground up.

Consider yourself the mayor in this week’s App of the Week, SimCity BuildIt by Electronic Arts.
In the beginning of the game, you are welcomed by Daniel, the mayor of a neighboring city. Daniel will help you get started by showing you the basics of trading and many other helpful skills.
You create your own unique city in this realistic simulation. You start off with a town with nothing but vacant space waiting to be built from the ground up. Create the city to your liking.
Along with the joy of running your own city comes several responsibilities. Your first duty as mayor is to maintain the happiness of your citizens. As you begin building factories, houses, parks and markets, your citizens’ happiness will increase. As mayor, you collect income taxes and coins daily. The coins are used to upgrade the various buildings throughout the city.
You can connect to Facebook, which allows you to view your friends’ cities. Visiting neighboring towns allows you to buy supplies that you will need to progress with your city.
SimCity BuildIt is available for free on Apple devices in the App Store and Android devices in the Play Store.