Katelyn Vasovsky
The weather in Antioch is well known for being very unpredictable; whether it’s snowing in April one day and having 50 degree weather the next or raining and 70 degrees in December. Just recently the temperature took a huge turn, between January 22 when the conditions were 50 degrees and rainy, causing practically every last patch of snow and ice to melt to February 9, when Antioch Community High School closed due to severe weather, snow and harsh cold have both been on a roller coaster.
“During the winter, I can go out with all my friends and go play around in the hills, make snow forts, [have] snowball fights and tackle each other without getting hurt,” sophomore Eric Tanner said. “It’s always fun.”
The sudden turn in weather conditions didn’t shock the many people who have lived in this small town for years, but for the few that moved to Antioch more recently, were blown away by the brisk temperature drop.
“It snowed about an inch in Kentucky and school [got] cancelled for a week,” said sophomore Lyndon Turner, who moved to Antioch from Hebron, Kentucky, a year and a half ago.
Unlike Kentucky, it is more difficult to earn a cold or snow day. In Antioch, there are not many things to do directly in town on snow days, but there are places such as Wilmont Mountain, Central Park sled hill and even the Deer Park St. Paddy’s 5k run/walk.
The recent snow day will keep the Sequoits in school one additional day. Any more snow or cold days, or any school closures, will require students to continue attending school after Memorial Day.