Logan Van Alstine
Senior Charlie Haling finishes out his third mile.
This past Tuesday, Sept. 21, the Antioch boys and girls cross country teams competed at Lakes in an inter-conference competition with Lakes, Wacounda and North Chicago.
“The boys had a landslide victory. We took third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth for the boys three-mile race which was the only race at the meet,” junior Jake Linck said. “The girls unfortunately lost by one point, but due to the fact they had a tempo run, we believe they could have won the meet. Freshman Piper Ipsen was unfortunately injured during the race.”
The boys team did not fail to disappoint, they took nearly every podium spot besides first and second. Linck was satisfied with his and his team’s performance and only finished six seconds under his season’s best thus far. Both teams used the strategy of “tempo running” in order to stay well rested for their next invitational track meet on Saturday.
“A tempo run is when you run a minute or two slower than your personal record because we have had a lot of big meets on Saturdays and people have been getting worn out so we want to take it easy while still competing,” Linck said.
The girls competed hard under their circumstances and unfortunately came up just short by one point. The lady Sequoits look forward to competing alongside the boys at the invitational meet at Harvest Christian Academy.
Earning a personal record is no easy task considering the Sequiots were conserving their energy for their next meet, but senior Lucas Carlisle was up for the challenge as he improved his three mile time to just about 18 minutes and 30 seconds. Both the boy’s team and girl’s team cannot wait to continue to improve as the season progresses and the boys look forward to seeing their young bucks being able to keep up and contribute to the scoreboard as they are hoping to improve on their overall performance in upcoming meets.
“We have a lot of strong underclassmen so we want to continue to build a strong posterior pack as we have the talent to lead the races and do well at the top of the podium,” Linck said.
The cross country teams next competition is Saturday, September 25, at Harvest Chrsitian Academy where they look to improve on their record and continue to get better as a team.