Antioch Community High School’s Chamber Choir Sings Their Way Into the New School Year
Many students think all choirs are the same, but Antioch Community High School’s chamber choir has its own story to tell.
Chamber Choir, also known as Madrigal Choir, is sponsored by fine arts department chair Michael Hickey. The choir consists of 24 students and they sing older, more traditional pieces of music, all prepared by Hickey. They practice for an hour or two every Tuesday after school and veteran choir members help the newcomers warm-up before they take the stage.
“All the people in the choir program in general are super nice and they help you grow as a singer and as a person when you join these choirs,” junior Andrea Santoyo said.
The choir performs at the fine arts gala, multiple churches and the Christmas parade where the students follow the tradition of singing the same carols for the past 30 years.
Santoyo, much like other students in Chamber Choir, is looking forward to a new year filled with more bonding experiences and amazing performances for the whole group.