Antioch Alumnus Facing Murder Charges

Former football star goes from being an all-state running back to one of Chicago’s newest inmates.

Alexandra Comer

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UPDATE: The woman who was shot in the head and was said to be in critical condition has passed away. White will be held in a Cook County penitentiary and awaits charges from a judge.

Cameron White, a 2009 alumnus; former varsity all-state running back, basketball and track and field athlete; and 2008 homecoming king now faces a future behind bars without bail after being charged with attempted first-degree murder.

According to reports on Chicago affiliates of ABC, CBS and FOX, White, 25, was involved in a fight inside a Chicago club and was escorted out by security. Around 2 a.m. on Feb. 20, a woman was shot in the forehead and a security guard faced a bullet to his leg. The burgundy vehicle used in the shooting was traced to White.

White was later arrested and now faces charges for the shooting.

“He was the best football player,” ACHS staff member Kathleen Stewart said. “He was so dynamic and so fun to watch. He brought our team to success and was definitely one of the best football players Antioch has seen. He was such a good kid: real quiet and nice. It is so upsetting.”

On record, he accomplished 12 touchdowns his junior year and nearly tripled his record senior year with 35 touchdowns. He was declared an All-State Running Back. Those who knew him as a Sequoit remember him with a legendary image throughout the school and a successful future, and the recent news has been shock wave of disappointment.