Each year, freshmen walk in the door with a different perspective on how high school is going to be. They could either be afraid of what they’re walking into, or they know right away that they are ready to go. Either way, upperclassmen have plenty of advice for the incoming freshman to help the class of 2017 transition to high school life.
Upperclassmen can actually be a big help. They’ve been through freshman year before, and they know the ropes around school.
“Upperclassmen aren’t mean,” said sophomore Alexis Duehr. “Just don’t get in their way.”
“Go to football games,” said senior and Cardinal Crazy leader Nick Geidner.
Sports are a huge deal for some high schoolers. The halls are full of chatter about Friday night football games every week.
“Don’t just go to the games, cheer and participate,” said senior Brandon Karpiel. “Cardinal Crazies and football is a big deal; don’t be afraid to participate and be a part of the crowd.”
Getting involved looks good on college apps, keeps you busy and can help you make friends by being in an activity.
“Do sports and get involved,” said sophomore Paige Gruber.
The school day is very fast paced. Halls are crowded and everyone only has five minutes to get to their next class.
“Don’t stand in the middle of the hallways,” said senior Jacob Hermes.
Standing in the middle of the hallways gets you in the way and could get you pushed down or yelled at. If you are lost, ask someone for help. If you want to talk to your friends, stand in an open area out of traffic.
“Don’t make out in the hallways,” said senior Alexi Illka. “No one wants to see it, and you’re probably just getting in the way.”
When walking down the halls, make sure you’re walking down the right side, just like driving. Traffic flows better. Also, make sure to use your locker.
“You don’t have to carry around every single book,” said senior Austin Adams. “If your locker is out of the way, ask the main office for a locker change. They are very nice and will definitely be willing to help.”
Lastly, high school is a bumpy ride. Things will change through the years.
“You’re going to have different friends and relationships by senior year,” said senior Carla Kopecky.
High school does change you; make sure it’s in the right way.
“You don’t have to know who you are right away,” said senior Haley Imler.
Express yourself, get out of your comfort zone, do something you normally wouldn’t, and most of all enjoy the time you have in high school by keeping yourself on track.
“It goes by so fast, make the best of it,” said sophomore Allison Craun.