ACHS Honors Veterans
Hubbard asks students and staff to dress up in honor of U.S. troops.
Antioch Community High School is hosting a Veteran’s Day assembly on Tuesday, Nov. 11. ACHS partnered up with the Veterans of Foreign War and the American Legion to help honor veterans that have served to protect Americans and fight for their country.
In honor of the brave men and women who have fought over seas, Principal Bradford Hubbard asks ACHS students and staff to dress for the occasion and show our respect towards U.S. veterans.
“As a way to demonstrate our respect and appreciation, I am respectfully asking that everyone, students and staff, dress up on this day. Scouts, please be encouraged to wear your uniforms and everyone else, please dust off those dress shoes, YouTube how to tie a tie, and take the opportunity wear that dress you bought for a wedding but have only worn once,” said Hubbard in his weekly follow up email.