ACHS Celebrates Foreign Language Week
Here’s the recap of World Language Week.
Artwork drawn by junior Savanna Gonzalez.
Last week, ACHS kicked off National Foreign Language Week with a slogan contest, in which students created posters with a short catch phrase to promote the program. The Design winner Savanna Gonzalez created the phrase, “different language, different vision” for the 2017 Foreign Language Awareness Campaign at Antioch.

Spanish teacher Shari Schmidt explained that Foreign Language Week is a way to bring creativity and awareness to the students of ACHS.
“It helps showcase the importance of our foreign language program and captures the creativity of our students,” Schmidt said.
Other activities included hidden flags, which were distributed to teachers at random and hidden in classrooms. The students who found the flags had to identify the country before being awarded with a Chupa Chup Mexican Lollipop.
Each day, classes would start with a country’s national anthem playing. Students were awarded if they correctly matched the nation to its anthem. The “Where’s Waldo” game was also a hit. The teachers read a snippet describing a place that Waldo was visiting and students could guess his location to be entered in a raffle.

Junior Ashly Ring shared a student perspective on the impact of the foreign language program at Antioch.
“Everyone in the foreign language program got to participate in different activities, allowing us to focus on different countries and their languages,” Ring said. “I learned about countries worldwide that I knew little about and their cultures.”
To sum up World Language Week, it was filled with wonderful opportunities for the student body to immerse themselves in the culture and languages of the world.