You see a funny video and then your enemy’s username followed by the word “repost” on the bottom left side of the screen. Immediately, the TikTok is not funny, in fact, it is quite revolting. So gross I pressed the not interested button afterward. This feature allows TikTok users to express themselves as well as taking stalking to a new level.
I have to admit, when I first started reposting TikToks I did not know that people could go to your account and simply scroll through all the videos I chose to repost. It is safe to say I went through and reevaluated my repost choices. Although it is entertaining to rewatch my collage of hand-picked clips every time someone follows me to see what it would look like from their view. I love spreading my humor; honestly, TikTok reposts are the easiest way.
My biggest pet peeve with this feature is seeing someone I do not particularly love, repost the same TikTok as me. Something about that notification irks me beyond belief, especially because half the time I do not even follow them. TikTok is always making the wildest assumptions about who my “friends” should be. I swear it is a jump scare every time I see “accounts you may know”. Baby girl, I know them and I hate them.

Seeing other people’s reposts genuinely adds to the humor of the app. It is funny to see the same bops of our school repost videos about craving a long-term loyal relationship. And we cannot forget about the motivational speech repost-ers as well as the “chin-down, money up” future finance bros. When I come across one of those, I make sure to double tap so the receiving end sees “Lyd liked a video you reposted” and knows I am “locked in” as well. But who am I to judge, sometimes I catch myself reposting random videos that do not pertain to me for the sole purpose of trolling.
Personally, I enjoyed the addition of the repost feature while it lasted, but I heard the United States Congress passed a bill to ban TikTok. That means our repost rights are now in the hands of the United States Senate. Does that crack anyone else up besides me? If the app does get banned I could see myself going through withdrawal. But that sentence in itself is reason enough for me to take a break from the app regardless of what the government decides. I think it is time for me to make the switch from TikTok reposts to Instagram reels, anyone else?