8 Things to Remember for 2018
The New Year is slowly nearing, and with the holidays already upon us many people are making lists of what they want to accomplish in 2018.
2018 is right around the corner. As we all start planning how we will make this our best year yet, these are 8 things that definitely need to be on your resolutions list.
- Be more grateful
Studies show that gratitude make you 25% happier. That’s crazy to think about. You can make yourself 25% happier almost instantly by counting your blessings and thinking about all the positive things in your life.
- Set aside an hour a day to achieve your dreams
If you do this every day, by the end of the year you will have devoted 365 hours to your dreams. That’s huge! You can accomplish anything you set your mind to and nothing is out of reach. Something as simple as spending a single hour out of your day to focus on something that you’re passionate about is always a good idea.
- Stop procrastinating
If your goals weren’t accomplished for this year, I’m almost positive that procrastination was the culprit. Write the paper a week before it’s due, not the night before. I know this is easier said than done, but we can try to leave it in 2017.
- Learn something new everyday
Have a better understanding of the world and how it works. Look up a word you don’t know, ask more questions when you’re uncertain, learn all that you can. Be a more informed person.
- Pick up a new hobby
Hobbies can lower stress levels, boost your brain power, improve your ability to focus and so much more. In 2018, try to make picking up a hobby one of the first things checked off your list.
- Enjoy the little things
Appreciate the little pleasures that life places right in front of us. Look up at the stars, go play with the little puppies and kittens at the pet store, walk barefoot in the grass. Do what you need to do to enjoy the world around you.
- Bring more peace into your life
Try not to judge those around you. Be gentler to people who need it and take a deep breath before jumping to conclusions or assumptions. Look for the best in everyone you know.
- Be kinder to yourself
Believe in yourself, respect yourself, and treat yourself well.