3 Easy Ways to Stay in Shape Over Spring Break
Spring into shape with these three easy exercises to keep you on the move.

Photo courtesy ofwww.taryncoxthewife.com
Oranges and strawberries are in season.
March 20, 2015
With a full week off of school, many athletes are away from their sports and activities. It is extremely important to know how to stay in shape while not ruining the relaxing vibe of break. Staying in shape over spring break can be as simple and fun as you make it out to be. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need be active each day.
1. Walk, Jog, Run, Bike
Find a friend or grab a leash and take your dog on a stroll, slow jog, or run. You could also ride your bike through your neighborhood or on the local trail throughout Lake County. Just taking an hour a day to get on your feet and explore will keep your heart and lungs in shape. Going alone can be relaxing, but bringing a lot a pet or friend can make the work out fun.
2. Swim
While the weather is not exactly ideal to go to the nearest beach and lay in the sun, the local Hastings Lakes YMCA has an indoor pool. The YMCA provides a perfect environment and nice temperature swimming pool to do laps or hang out with friends. Check out their website for any deals available for people who are not members.
3. Eat and Drink Healthy
Stay away from sugary, fatty foods and snacks this break and drink plenty of water. Focus on eating fruits and vegetables and staying away from pop and juices. Fruits in season during March include strawberries and oranges. By eating and drinking healthy, your body is better equipped for exercise.
Make your exercises and activities fun by doing them with friends. Be sure to enjoy Spring Break while staying active.