100th Goal During the Centennial Celebration
Senior Iven Hernandez breaks history with his 100th goal.

Photo courtesy of Iven Hernandez
ACHS senior Iven Hernandez with his brother, Andy, after scoring his 100th goal for the boys Varsity soccer team on Oct. 9 against Zion-Benton.
October 16, 2014
On Thursday, Oct. 9, the Antioch Community High School boys Varsity soccer team played against Zion-Benton at home. During this game, a Sequoit athlete made a school breaking record by scoring his 100th goal. ACHS senior Iven Hernandez scored his 100th goal from his four years on Varsity soccer.
Hernandez said, “It felt nice to reach 100 goals. But honestly, I want to thank everyone I’ve played with in the past four years who have always supported me. Everyone, including my teachers, were telling me to get the 100th goal that game, but my teammates knew I would have no problem doing it.”
And for Hernandez’s future?
“There has not been any scouts, that I know of, at my games, but I have been looking into colleges to play soccer at. Maryland University and Michigan State are my top two choices,” said Hernandez.
His team celebrated with joy for their teammate, although they knew by the end of his season he would achieve more than 100 goals. Close friends of Hernandez spoke very highly of their teammate. Senior Krystian Streit has been friends with Hernandez since the second grade and has been playing soccer with him ever since.
Streit said, “It was an amazing feeling to watch my best friend and teammate make history like that. Playing with him for the past 10 years has been nothing but fun. Everyone on the field and stands went crazy when he scored because everybody knew he just made history. I honestly believe that his record will never be broken.”
Although the teammates were proud, ACHS Varsity soccer coach Marni Polakow was left ecstatic.
Polakow said, “It is remarkable the things Iven can do. Having 100 goals is almost impossible to some players. He is a once in a lifetime player and I can’t guarantee I will have an athlete like him ever again.” Polakow has coached Hernandez all four years of his high school career and is proud to watch him grow into the athlete he has become.
“The record previous to Iven’s 100 goals was 67 goals. He has a natural talent with soccer that a coach can’t teach. He has great work ethic and great teammates. Without his teammates assists, it would be harder for him to make all the goals he does make. His freshman year, he scored 18 goals, sophomore year he scored 17 goals, junior year he almost doubled his goals and made 32, and senior year so far he has made 33 and with no doubt in my mind he will score more by the end of the year,” said Polakow. Future Sequoit soccer players will have a challenge to live up to Hernandez’s legacy.
The Antioch Community is very proud of our fellow Sequoit and cannot wait to see what his future will bring.