Thousands gathered in Washington D.C. and other cities around the country to represent the voice of the unborn, raising awareness against abortion.
1. Grease Auditions Approaching
The long awaited Grease Auditions are here! Open to all students, the audition week starts Monday, January 30 with dance instruction. The following Tuesday and Wednesday are live audition days for both dance and voice. After a callback list is posted, the callback auditions will be hosted on Friday. For more information or tryout materials, visit Ms. Teddy or Mr. Hickey in the Fine Arts hallway.
2. Screenagers Presentation
On Thursday, February 2 at 3:30 and 6:30, District 117 is offering a showing of the Screenagers documentary. This 68-minute documentary was created to reveal the impact technology has on adolescents, mental health and family lifestyles. The screening is open to all D117 students ages 12 and up, parents and community members. Click HERE to watch a preview of the film.
3. Quebec Mosque Attack
While bombings and shootings have been frequent in Europe and the Middle East for the past few years, North America suffered from the hurtful effects of a shooting on Sunday evening. The Quebec Islamic Cultural Center was the scene of a gunman opening fire during one of its nightly prayer services, killing six and injuring eight others. Police continue to investigate the scene as an act of terrorism.
4. Academic Team Excels
The ACHS academic team continues to make its mark in the midst of its competition season. With an undefeated title and a 1st place win at conference, the team looks forward to the future and strives to compete at the state level.
5. Protests Arise from Trump’s Travel Ban
Following one of Donald Trump’s many executive orders established this week, protests broke out in various major cities around the country. The order cutting off the immigration of refugees from Middle East countries inhibited by ISIS caused backlash as many disagree with its lack of grace towards those running from oppression.
6. Cheer is State-Bound
A successful performance at sectionals on January 28 confirmed the hopes of the ACHS Varsity Cheerleaders. Moving on to the next level, the team is excited to bring their routine to the State competition next weekend in Bloomington.
7. Trump’s First Week in Office
The inauguration, protests and women’s marches were not the only eventful occurrences lining the beginning of Trump’s first term as President. His first week on the job proved that he intends to fulfill his promises stated on the campaign trail. His week included the passing of various executive orders concerning immigration, the Mexican border and the Dakota access pipeline, along with meetings with several foreign leaders. While he has already completed much in his first seven days, the country waits to see what he will do next.
8. Winter Formal is Around the Corner
Homecoming and Prom are among the most popular dances attended by Sequoits, but the winter dance, know as “Winter Formal,” offers as much excitement and fun for attendees. Despite its being known for swapped position of girls asking guys to the dance, the evening is not limited to couples and is open to all students. Keep February 18 clear on the agenda for this year’s Winter Formal dance, hosted by the Student Council.
9. Yearly March For Life Takes Place
After the Women’s March on Washington took to the streets the day after Trump’s swearing into office, the annual “March For Life” maintained its vocal opinion a week later on Friday, January 27. The thousands that attended in cities all around the country did not rally on the side of a political party or politician, but stated their opinions towards abortion. The attendees made a statement that challenges many of those seen the week before in the Women’s March, and advocate for the rights of the unborn.
10. Inauguration Attendees Return
The group of nearly forty students and six chaperones that ventured into America’s capitol to experience the historical 2017 Inauguration returned home Saturday, 21. A week filled with sightseeing tours around the city, museum visits and a viewing of the oath of office left students and teachers with an unforgettable experience that they will remember the rest of their lives.